How Social Media Impacts Your Job Search (Infographic)

How Social Media Impacts Your Job Search (Infographic)
Article submission by guest blogger:  Laura Tolentino plus follow her on Twitter by clicking here

I’m just going to come out and say it: your Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter can be the deciding factor in your job search being successful or not. Did you know that? Employers will check you social media profiles to determine whether or not you are a good candidate for the position they are offering.

I knew that employers did this; however, it wasn’t until I saw this infographic that I learnt the full extent of it. The thing that shocked me most was the LinkedIn statistic that states that 93% of employers will check that specific social media site. You better make sure that you get a LinkedIn profile and that it positively shines. It needs to stand out from every other candidate, and that is where this infographic comes in handy. The section on what to do to look good is helpful.

Read through the infographic from Gumtree carefully, take notes, memorize sections, do whatever it takes to get yourself that dream job!

Use Social Media To Improve Your Job Search is an infographic that was produced by Gumtree

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