St Lucia Explores Its Options For Green Energy From Geothermal & Wind Alternatives

St Lucia Explores Its Options For Green Energy From Geothermal & Wind Alternatives

Saint Lucia government in collaboration with international developers is embarking on a project to explore the country’s options for green energy to supplement its current energy production. The government officials are confident that they can harness natural energy that will boost the national power production reaching the country’s target of 24.5 MW of renewable energy.

We are focusing on a combination of renewable energy sources, with wind being one of them. We are in advanced discussion with a developer who will – hopefully within the next two months – erect a test tower along the east coast to gather data for a period of approximately one year, to determine the suitability of that location for a 12 MW wind farm,” said Senator Dr James Fletcher, Minister for Sustainable Development, Energy, Science and Technology.

The government of St Lucia is also exploring its options for harnessing geothermal energy. This according to Fletcher is expected to be a significant energy source that will help St Lucia meet the 24.5 MW clean energy target.

Fletcher said, “We have lined up with one of the foremost and most reputable geothermal developers in the world to develop a geothermal resource on the sulphur springs… There are a few issues that have to be resolved and for that we have received excellent support from development partners like the Clinton Climate Initiative, the World Bank and also the New Zealand government.”

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the SIDS-DOCK Support Program have issued a US$2 million grant to Saint Lucia towards this initiative.

CaribbeanClean EnergyGlobal Warminggreen energySt. LuciaWorld Bank