Announcing Nigeria Innovation Cluster Mapping Project with Support from Tony Elumelu
This major achievements being experienced through ICT in synchronizing the interfaces of people, processes and tools may have lead to the masking of the advancement being achieved in other areas in Nigeria. Areas such as metal making, agri-business, shoe making, dyeing, entrepreneurships, hobbyists and startups among others; the trajectory of all these phenomenon changes can be said to be mainly localized and are based on specific factor geared towards making these organizations improve on their capabilities to compete locally.
For these reasons, it is therefore paramount that the government and local business communities understand these developments being experienced but are not being picked up by their radar. This will in effect give them the necessary knowledge as policymakers to have useful insights on where to stimulate further positive growth, especially in terms of using the appropriate government policies and interventions. This will lead to a new era of policies for S&T innovation which will be based on actual data that are collected from the grassroots hence eliminating guesswork entirely from the process of policy making.
Nigeria Cluster Mapping Project is building up a relevant database of various innovation ecosystems and entities which will include various startups, ideas, outstanding individual inventions and research labs among others. They literally take all the relevant data, including those traditional herbs the African natives use in the treatment of snake bites; since it is a technology geared towards addressing socio-economic challenges facing the people. Established IT companies which only resells foreign products to the local market without adding any significant additional value will be excluded from the projects database. The projects mandate is to enable especially the private sector to capitalize on available opportunities in industries such as the Kano (leather) and Aba (shoes) among others.
This initiative is under the management of African Institution of Technology, backed by Milonics Analytics which is tasked with statistical modeling and data analysis for the project. It is funded by The Tony Elumelu Foundation, and has Dr. Ndubuisi Ekekwe as the Program Director. Dr. Ekekwe is leading a big panel of competent Nigerian professionals and field associates selected to work in this initiative. Dr. Ekekwe brings on board a lot of experience, given that he has served before in similar capacity both Argentina and Brazil and achieved impressive results. His book on technology diffusion which won the IGI Global 2010 “Book of the Year” award can attest to his suitability to head this project.