Starting with the Pillars: How to Go Back to Basics

We’ve talked a lot about how organizational change can be the key to a better future for many organizations. There are a lot of ways to incite the right organizational changes too, including through better leadership and improved workflows.

These two elements are parts of what the business circle recognizes as pillars of success. These are the basics that every organization needs to get right before serious growth can be expected. Unfortunately, they are also basic aspects that often get neglected.

So that’s exactly what we are going to do in this article: going back to basics. Here are some of the ways you can start with the basics – with the pillars to success – when inciting organizational change in your business.

Refining Processes

Every good organization relies on a series of processes and workflows to operate optimally. As a business owner or a leader, you want the systems within the business to be equally effective to avoid having to micromanage everything. By paying closer attention to how processes are designed, there are a lot of things you can improve from business operations.

This step starts with implementing the workflows that live up to the challenges faced by the business or organization. Every business faces a different set of market challenges, so it is not surprising to find a set of workflows suitable for one but not the other.

You can turn to technology for systems and tools that support more efficient processes. In the old days, Kanban was a system used solely for improving work processes. Today, however, tools like Kanbanize allow the Kanban system to be used for planning projects in a more effective way through forecasting instead of relying on gut feeling. This is another way of doing Kanban estimation. By implementing a reversed timeline on the Kanban board, you can create more accurate project estimates.

Personal and Professional Development

No organization can advance without advancing its members. In fact, the growth of a business or organization depends a lot on the growth of its members. This too is an aspect often forgotten by even the best business owners. Many still expect to grow their businesses without investing heavily in the growth of their team members.

That view needs to change. Team members are still the biggest assets in a business, and not investing enough in them – mostly out of fear of them leaving the organization – is no longer acceptable. The only way to accelerate growth is by making sure that personal and professional development are encouraged.

Once again, you can turn to technology for help. There are online programs and short courses that can help employees gain new skills and improve as a team member. You can provide a more comprehensive set of incentives to team members who actively seek ways to be better. You can even keep track of employees’ personal and professional growth in a meticulous way.


The market is already very competitive, which is why the last thing you need is infighting. Bad decision making, a lack of clear objectives, and bad leadership, in general, are now considered to be the primary issues in cases of business failures. You wouldn’t want to miss out on a big market opportunity because of these issues, would you?

Leadership is a skill, which means it can be mastered. You can start elevating your leadership capability by making sure that every team member understands the objectives that need to be achieved as a team. Work towards creating clarity of roles – not job descriptions – and you are a step closer to those objectives.

Leadership is also something that can be shared. Just because you are at the top of the organization, doesn’t mean you have to do everything and make every decision. In fact, you need to do the opposite. Share leadership, let those doing the work make strategic decisions and make sure you are always there to listen (and to pay attention) when needed.


We often forget how important it is to have an expanded network, not just for the sake of business success but also for the future of the organization. When you have a vast network in place, finding candidates for strategic roles, connecting with mentors for your team members, and even providing a clear path to professional growth becomes easier to do.

You must always understand the value of having a strong network. At the same time, you should also encourage team members to build their own networks of professionals. The combination can be leveraged for an even greater business success.

Networking isn’t just limited to connecting with fellow professionals and business owners. It also means reaching out to the communities around you and building genuine relationships with other stakeholders. The more you do this, the more support you will get from those within your extended network.

Cover these four pillars and inciting organizational change will be easy. More importantly, you can move towards changes that are actually taking your business that much closer to the level of success you have in mind.

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