Startups in the South-South/South-East Nigeria application to #StartupSouth Pitch Competition Open

#StartupSouth, now on its second year is looking for the best and brightest Startup Founders, Innovators, Policy Wonks, Investors, and Startup Enthusiasts in Port Harcourt from across Nigeria. #StartupSouth is gearing up to sparking the spirit of entrepreneurship in Nigeria especially among the youths of the South-South/South-East area. An area that covers Port Harcourt, Awka, Aba, Lagos, and Benin.

The theme for this year is Tech As Business Enabler and over 500 Startup Founders, Investors, and Enthusiasts are expected to attend this year’s #StartupSouth pitch competition. There are also stakeholders from the United States, United Kingdom, France, and Germany have shown expressed their interest in attending the event.

The #StartupSouth pitch competition will take place on October 15 and 16 2016 in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Interested stakeholders wishing to participate in this pitch competition as either speaker, sponsor or pitch their product have until October 12, 2016, to submit their applications.

Applications are being made online, by filling up this online form.

About #StartupSouth Pitch Competition

The competition designed to run once per year is gearing to becoming a platform for venture capitalist seeking to invest in the next brilliant ideas or products sprouting out of the South-South or South-East Nigeria.

On the other hand, it also acts as a platform for matching new disruptive ideas from innovative Nigerians from these regions to possible venture capitalists. That will help them scale their idea or product. It more like a dating site where the startup seeking seed funding gets matched with the right experience venture capitalist who can bankroll the idea or product expansion and commercial deployment.

For more information about this event, head on to their site at

#StartupSouthLagosNigeriaPort Harcourt