It looks like the tech world will go far with autonomous technology compared to wearable tech. We…
Autonomous Technology
Nissan ProPilot Chair Self-driving Chairs; Height of Laziness or much-needed innovation?
by Felix Omondiby Felix OmondiIf you were thinking we have seen it all, with this autonomous technology, think again. Automobile maker…
Event Articles
Uber showcases the first fleet of Driverless Taxis open to public in Pittsburgh, USA
by Felix Omondiby Felix OmondiUber has been one of those disruptive technology to have emerged in recent times. Thanks to Uber,…
Apps and Software
Forkable Anticipates Your Tastes and Delivers Your Food without You Ever Lifting A Finger
by Felix Omondiby Felix OmondiYou must admit the ability to order food at the click of a button on your PC,…