Futurists say the future belongs to the machines; robotics, big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. To…
Event Articles
AfriLabs Partners with the African Union Commission Department of Human Resource, Science and Technology to Host the 2019 AfriLabs Annual Gathering in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
AfriLabs, the largest pan-African network of 158 technology and innovation centers in 45 African countries is pleased…
AfriLabs, the largest pan-African Network of 158 technology and innovation centers across 45 African countries, is excited…
Business Plans
Ethiopia might be Africa’s fastest Growing Economy, but it is also home to World’s Cheapest Garment Factory Labor
by Felix Omondiby Felix OmondiAfrica has over the last few years been hailed as a fast-growing economy; with Ethiopia being the…
The South Korea-based Hyundai Motor Co. has set up a 10,000 vehicle-per-year assembly plant in Addis Ababa,…
German carmaker Volkswagen has announced its plan to settle car assembly plant in Ethiopia. This announcement was…
Come next year, Ethiopia should be joining the exclusive club of African nations that have sent satellites…
Fourteen AppsAfrica.com Award Winners were announced at the annual Awards party in Cape Town last night. Now…
Ethiopia is now the talk among feminist circles around the globe after its recent nomination of Sahle…
The dust has not yet settled from the announcement of a downsized cabinet by Ethiopia’s Prime Minister…