Telegram adds Voice Calls feature in latest update; showing WhatsApp how it’s supposed to be done

Telegram users in the Western Europe are the first lot to receive an update that gives them voice call functionality on the app. Telegram says the rest of the world is set to get the update soon as they keep tweaking the service before making it available for everyone.

Does it seem like messaging is just not enough anymore for today’s instant messaging apps? Making voice calls, and video calls are now the craze. Telegram has just joined the bandwagon, starting with voice call feature on its app, which has for long been trusted when it comes to respect to user’s privacy and security.

How’s Telegram voice call any different?

Telegram came out and not mincing any words claimed the calls on the app are the most superior you can get out of any comparable instant messaging apps. The company also promises you improve call quality as you keep using the voice call feature, and all this is said to be thanks to the built-in machine learning.

The Telegram’s voice call feature is AI-powered. Meaning every time you make a call, “a neural network learns from you and your device’s feedback.” Hold up, but does that mean Telegram have broken their cardinal rule and started opening up security holes in their trusted messaging app?

Telegram allays any fears you might have about the AI getting access to contents of your conversation. The company says the AI will not have access to your conversation; rather it will collect just the technical information on your calls. This information includes the network speed, ping times and any packet losses. The AI will then use this information to optimize a couple of parameters to improve your future voice calls on the given device and network.

Telegram sounds confident that the voice call feature will give you excellent sound quality on a stable internet connection and consume less data when you are in a weak connection. The company also says that whenever possible, the voice calls will go over peer-to-peer connection, “using the best audio codecs to save traffic while providing crystal-clear quality.

Unlike WhatsApp Voice Calls, you get to choose who call you on Telegram

Apparently, on Telegram, you will get to decide who can call you and who cannot; a capability noticeably missing on WhatsApp. The app also lets you decide on the quality of video you share, as it remembers the compression settings you selected previously and applies those settings by default each time you upload a video. Up to until such a time you reset the settings again.

Cyber SecurityInstant Messaging AppsTelegram