The DR Congo music app BAZIKS is expanding its offering

BAZIKS from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) announced the launch of a crowdfunding campaign slated for later this year with the aim of expanding its offering and also roll out paid services.

The app was launched last year and gives listeners a continuous music playback of Congolese music. The app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. BAZIKS currently has over 350 artists and about 1,500 hours of music. It also has about 8,000 subscribers and plans to improve on that with the signing of an agreement with the Congolese copyright company SOCODA to get access to all Congolese music catalog.

The crowdfunding campaign is set to launch this month, and the raised fund will be put towards taking BAZIKS to all the fans of Congolese music; including fans in the diaspora. At the same time, it will embark on the launch of its paid services.

Baya Ciamala, the founder of BAZIKS told a section of the media, “We are proud to have reached the four off the beaten track tests: proof of feasibility, concept, positioning, and scalability of our product through the Digital Lab Africa award.

Not to mention the support of the Institut francais de Kinshasa, which accompanied our deployment o Kinshasa. The end of this phase has enabled us to confirm that there is indeed an opportunity that we must now structure around the mission we have given ourselves. We believe that with a good strategy and a good ramp-up that we will operate in the coming days, it will be possible to generate a profit margin to attract potential investors.”

Democratic Republic of CongoDR CongoLive StreamingMusic Streaming Apps