The Rolex, Not Watch

In the early morning or evening hours on the streets of any town in Uganda there will be a delicious whiff in the air that will get your hunger pangs up in arms, away from the crowds on the roadsides you will see the reason for your hunger. They are everywhere these rolex “guys” and from 1500 Ugandan shillings and above, you will have yourself a full meal in under just a minute.

On our journey to taste everything Uganda has to offer, Jovago found this decadent edible cousin of a certain very well priced watch and we just had to share.

The rolex derives its name from the way it is prepared, it is basically an omelet filled with several ingredients and rolled within a chapatti. Going with the quick recipe from the roadside “chapatti guy” most of the will make one according to what you ask for from what is available.

The common rolex recipe includes; two eggs, a chapatti, a handful of shredded cabbage, tomatoes and onions. The chapatti is already cooked so when you make the order, you can ask for the tomatoes and onions to be added raw or fried with the eggs. The eggs are beat and fried on a hot pan, the chapatti is added on top of the eggs after a minute of cooking. This combo will cost you 1500/- and if you ask for more you get to add another 500/-.

There are several restaurants around Kampala that have included the rolex on their menu so you can also get it off the streets and you are asked to pick your extra fillings from the chef, this gives you leeway to make your own rolex oozing with flavor and deliciousness.

When making the rolex yourself, you do not have to make everything from scratch. You can buy the already cooked chapatti or if you feel quite adventurous and can make one yourself, do go ahead and do it and then make the omelet from scratch in your own kitchen, go wild with the fillings and enjoy.

About Jovago is an online hotel booking service with offices in Lagos (Nigeria), Nairobi (Kenya) and Dakar (Senegal) founded by Africa Internet Group and has MTN and Millicom as its investors., Africa’s No.1 booking portal, facilitates the booking process for its users to provide them with the best hotel booking experience with fast, transparent and easy-to-use services. has over 25,000 local hotel listings across Africa and over 200,000 hotels around the world.

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