Tips to Improve and Expand Your Facebook Page

Tips to Improve and Expand Your Facebook Page

Facebook, as we all know is a hub for social interactions. It is a good platform to promote your company or brand. An increasing trend of marketing through Facebook pages has been observed by analysts. You have to make a page of the thing you want to promote, and depending on how good your page is, your business can be very popular. In this article, tips for improving your Facebook page are discussed.

Cover Page:

1st tip is the obvious: the cover of your page must be colorful and attractive. Make sure that the picture you use has at least 851 x 315 pixels.

About us:

Try to fill out every detail you can in the about section. Try to fill the short description section in less than a 100 words and try to give the briefest and most impressive image of your brand. This thing may come in handy for the Facebook app in mobiles. Some of the text from your descriptions just comes in start of the page on mobile apps. In the start of very description add a URL so this shows first. And in the case of mobile, since the description shows up first, the first thing that people notice will be the URL.

Third Party Apps:

Marketing,Internet Marketing, SEO, tips

You may have noticed that some pages have third party apps. Many people say they are useless, but if utilized properly, they make a hell of promotion. You can use third party apps to promote prizes through emails, you can get people to subscribe to your newsletter, and you can also cross link Twitter, LinkedIn or YouTube channels with these third party apps.


This is the most important tip of all and it surpasses the abilities of promotion using all above mentioned steps. It’s all about how you do your posting. From some time now, due to the new algorithms of Facebook, you have to post very frequently. For photos, you can paste the photos of you product, and from time to time you can add a little humor by adding rage comics or funny quotations. If you are posting just the text, it might not be in the news feeds of followers owing to the algorithms Facebook has implemented. To keep the followers intact, use polls and questions or fill in the blanks, which may not be related to your brand but keep your audience engaged.

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