Tips to Build Your Blog Audience in 2020

Whether you want to create a blog just to give your thoughts a voice and hopefully find other people that think the same as you or to promote your services or skills and share more of your professional experience, you need to build an audience. The purpose of writing is to connect and communicate and an audience is thus an intrinsic part of it.

Even if you already picture your readers while writing and know your target audience before posting, you might not get the visitor number you hope for at times. Given the abundance of blogs and websites that offer all sorts of information in captivating and professional ways, standing out might turn out to be quite a challenge. All is not lost, though.

Thankfully, making sure that your posts draw readers and keep them engaged is not difficult if you follow a few simple steps. Keeping up with the latest digital trends is crucial. Here are a few tips to help you contour your voice online and be heard.

Use the best SEO practices

You might write great copy, yet if it is not exposed properly, you are likely to end up with fewer readers than you’d like despite the quality of what you say and how you say it. You can conquer the distance between your blog posts and your audience by optimizing your blog for search engines.

Whether you blog about personal experiences or have a website associated with your business where you also blog, you still need to use the best SEO practices for enhanced exposure. There are many online courses and websites that provide information on the latest SEO rules and many of them are easy to apply.

It’s true that for more advanced SEO, you might need professional help. However, turning SEO into a priority as far as your blogging activity is concerned translates into greater exposure and, therefore, into more readers.

Keep it short if you have to

It’s not uncommon to be tempted to write more than you’d initially planned, especially when you’re writing about something that is of great interest to you. If you tackle a more complex

topic, then writing extensively about it is justifiable. Plus, long quality content is often considered to be good proof of knowledge and will render your posts reliable.

Still, if you don’t have too many new things to say, keep your post short. Always keep in mind the quality over quantity rule. Moreover, pay attention to the way your copy is structured. Go for short paragraphs, use inspired and easy-to-read headlines, and break down your content into small, digestible parts. Learning the basics of blogging is nothing complicated. Once you have the foundation, you can start building quality copy and the audience you want.

Visuals and guest posts

Visual content has become the new trend and it does not limit itself only to pictures and infographics. No wonder why. Videos provide us with information in a quicker way and, since time is so precious, they are now the VIPs of online content.

Complete your written content with a video that sums up the article, or shoot a video to promote your blog on social media. If you’re into fishing, for example, and you write about fishfinders, this guide might be of help. However, pair your post with a video of the fishfinder you use and you will surely gain more credibility. Add it at the end of your article and you will have a complete post.

More often than not, we look for information that is rendered in a way that is easy to grasp and that is fast. Videos are a great tool when it comes to that.