Top Nigerian Tech Execs to tour big tech companies in Silicon Valley | Sep 24-30

About 30 leading tech executives from Nigeria will be in an immersion program at the Silicon Valley courtesy of the Silicon Valley Links (SV-Links), Silicon Valley Nigeria Economic Development (SC-NED) and the Nigerian Embassy in Washington D.C.

The immersion program will run from Sept 24th – 30th and will be exposing the tech execs to various activities including visits to startups within Silicon Valley to big-time tech companies like HP. They will also attend lectures by investors and entrepreneurs like Sand Hill Angels. This program essentially wants to expose the Nigerian executives to how the Silicon Valley works, and tech solutions it churns out to make it so popular.

The one-week program aims at exposing the more traditional industry thinkers to the new cutting edge solutions sprouting from the Valley.

We want to promote and influence activities such as Nigerian investment in local startups in the Valley, incentivize the involvement of executives in accelerators and startups in Nigeria and have an exponential impact in the awareness between the relationship of Nigeria and the Silicon Valley. This program is designed to motivate more Nigerian executives and investors to invest in information technology that would increase the potential of technology partnerships in Nigeria.

One of the pioneers of Silicon Valley, Dr. Ola Hassan, a Board Member of SV-NED Inc., says, “this will be a great eye opener and open doors for the Nigerian Young Entrepreneurs in information Technology, Agriculture and Banking.”

The organizers for the program added, “we are very excited to host this group and see how the program will impact this relationship between the two areas. It is our first group from Nigeria, and it will certainly not be our last.”

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