Ujamaathon A Weekend Hackathon To Solve Underserved Communities’ Problems | April 22

Hackathons are usually tech events bringing together software developers, engineers and, of course, hackers to come up with a cutting edge software product or security system. However, Ujamaathon is a hackathon not like any other; this is a weekend long hackathon bringing tech experts together to work collaboratively and come up with ideas that solve problems facing the underserved communities.

Ujamaathon mantra is “build with, not for” and is born out of the hackathon’s firm belief that communities members must be part and parcel of the ideation and fruition of the products and services. This hackathon seeks to bridge the current gap between developers and end users.

The next Ujamaathon will take place on April 22nd-24th, 2016 at Rise New York (43 w 23rd street NY, NY 10010). The topic for this Ujamaathon will be Fintech.

They are currently looking for sponsors and partners who can assist by providing any of the following:

>Direct donations








You can RSVP for this event at ujamaathon.eventbrite.com.

To register yourself as a mentor, click here.

To become a Partner/Sponsor, send an email to sponsors@ujamaathon.com.

HackathonMinorities in TechNew YorkUSA