UK’S Royal Academy of Engineering Launches The Africa Prize For Engineering Innovation Worth $41,570

UK’S Royal Academy of Engineering Launches The Africa Prize For Engineering Innovation Worth $41,570

Photo Courtesy: Royal Academy of Engineering

On March 6, 2014, the UK’s Royal Academy of Engineering launched an initiative dubbed Africa Price for Engineering Innovation. This initiative is meant to promote extensive engineering within the sub-Saharan Africa region, by stimulating, celebrating and awarding outstanding innovations and entrepreneurship emanating from sub-Saharan Africa. The overall winner of this initiative stands to walk away with a whooping cash prize of £25,000 (approximately $41,570).

The Africa Prize welcomes all innovative, talented and ambitious African engineers from all the disciplines, who use their engineering skills in coming up with scalable solutions to solve the local challenges in their respective areas. This event intends at showcasing engineering as a tool for improving the quality of lives and the economic performance of the community. This initiative by the Royal Academy of Engineering was launched after a report tabled on the October of 2012 that showed that the engineering capacity in Africa was severely lacking.

Thus this initiative is aimed at building the capacity of the African engineers, with the participants to the initiative being given crucial commercialization support that will be completed through a 6 month period of mentoring and training. A selection of finalist participants will be selected from all the participants at the end of the 6 months, whereby the one with the most outstanding innovation that promises to solve local challenge will be awarded a cash prize of £25,000.

Applications from engineers who are affiliated to research institutions and university, who have demonstrated innovations that gives scalable solutions to the local challenges, the initiative welcomes as many relevant applicants as possible. The deadline for application will be on the midnight GMT of Friday –  May 30th 2014.

For more information on the UK’S Royal Academy of Engineering  Africa Prize For Engineering Innovation Worth $41,570 application requirements, follow the links given below:

  • To get more guidance on the initiative, click here.
  • For information on the Terms and Conditions, click here.
  • For the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), click here.

If you have gone through all the above, you can now download the Application Form by clicking here, also you can download the Diversity Monitoring Form by clicking here. So for all of you startups engineers with ground breaking discoveries, this is you golden chance to showcase your work to the world and possibly win a grand cash prize of £25,000, opportunity for training and mentorship with some of the biggest names in the industry and receive good publicity for your work.

Africa PriceEngineering InnovationRoyal Academy of Engineeringsub-Saharan Africa