Unsend an Email: Enable Undo Send Email feature in Gmail Right Now

Google has finally launched the email feature for which people were waiting for years: the undo send email after sending. Yes! You read it right. This is no scam, no useless third party app or trick, this is official. Today, Google announced that the Gmail users will be able to undo send a sent email. You will have a time window of 5 up to 30 seconds to unsend an email. I think 30 seconds is enough time to take back your words.

Enable Undo Send Email in Gmail

This feature is perhaps the most needed feature in email messages. We end up sending emails in the moments of adrenaline rushes which we regret as soon as we click that Send button. Also, in the corporate world, a single grammatical, factual error could be devastating for your image. Gmail’s new undo send email feature will give you just the right amount of time to take back an email. Isn’t it amazing? Here’s how to activate the undo send email feature in Gmail right now.

Unsend an Email in Gmail

Log in your Gmail account in your computer and go to Settings (by clicking the gear icon just under the top right corner image/name of yours).

Make sure the “General” tab is selected after you land the settings page.

Look out for an option called “Undo Send”. Just check the box in front of it to enable it.

You will see a little drop down menu just by the side of this option with the option of 5, 10, 20 and 30 seconds. Just choose the time window. This time shows the time (seconds) you will have to undo the sent email.

Click “Save Changes’ and that’s it.

To test the feature, just send a test email to yourself or any friend. When you click the send button after enabling the undo send option in Gmail, you will see the following message: “Your message has been sent” with “Undo, View Message” buttons. Just tap the undo button to undo the sent email.

Undo send email feature of Gmail is also available in Google’s Android app “Inbox”. Enjoy

Gmailundo sendunsend