How to Use iMessage App on a Windows Computer

Thousands of people keep asking on the internet whether they can use iMessage on a Windows computer. Well, It is possible to use iMessage on Windows PC. But before you get too excited, let me clarify that you will need a Mac to use iMessage on Windows. That’s because there is no good iMessage client for Windows, and we will have to project iMessage from Mac to a Windows PC. While the method to use iMessage this way is simple, I’d suppose that only those users will use iMessage on a Windows PC this way who cannot dispense without doing so. You won’t buy a Mac just to use iMessage on a Windows PC unless you really need to.

Use iMessage App on a Windows Computer

In your Mac, go to system preferences and go to Apple Menu. Now go to Screen sharing and turn it on.

You will now need to download and install a remote access software/VNC client app on your Windows computer in order to get the iMessage app. I’d recommend using any good VNC client, like RealVNC. After downloading the VNC, install and open the app and connect to the Mac (make sure Mac has screen sharing ON). You can connect to Mac by using IP addresses. You will understand everything once you launch the VNC app.

After connecting to Mac, you will have a complete access to iMessage because of the screen sharing. This is perhaps the most basic way of using iMessage on a Windows computer.

There is no third party iMessage app or client for Windows anywhere. So if you really want to use iMessage or Windows, this above mentioned method is your way to go. The method also works for Linux. So if you want to use iMessage app on Linux, follow the above steps and install the VNC in Linux.

how-toimessageuse imessage on windows PCWindows