How To Use Text and Images Smartly for Better Social Media Engagement
Text based Tweets hardly get as much noticed as Tweets with pictures since Twitter introduced the feature to incorporate pictures in Tweets. Similar is the case with Facebook posts and posts on Tumbler. Visual content gets more attention than simple text based content, no matter what the network is. Visual content grabs the attention of the audience due to its eye catching colors and graphics and because it can be read and understood more quickly by human mind than text can be. This makes visual plus text based posts much more popular than regular text based content. Small scale businesses can benefit from this for promoting their products on social media.
For promoting a business on Social Media, your posts must not look like you are just selling something. People get bored of them and simply wipe them off their newsfeeds. To keep them engaged, used picture plus text technique to create interesting and engaging content, conveying your product info at the same time. Here are a few tips for creating content that brings maximum engagement.
Describe Your Business Visually
Your business must be having some logo, tagline, slogan etc. Describe it visually with either simple pictures or info graphics. The best way would be creating imaginative animations or abstract or imaginary characters to describe your brand. Red Bull’s tagline is Gives You Wings. Check this visual description of that.
Combine Photos and Text into Infographics
Infographics convey 120% to 180% more information to the human mind than normal text based posts. Our minds can process infographics more easily and quickly than text only content. Infographics are the best way to market your business as you can combine, on average, five to six aspects of your business in one infographic.
Show People You Value Them
Don’t post content for market only purposes. Show people you value them by posting content they want to view instead of just marketing about your business. Ask their opinion about your content and engage them by asking them to vote. Create more than one photos combined into one, showcasing your product and ask people about the best one.
Highlight Your Audience
One way to make people like your posts is posting about them. Take photos of your fans using your products and put text overlays on them. These text overlays can be their comments about your products. People love themselves and they love being highlighted. Feature audience stories on your page to make them notice themselves, ultimately noticing you and your business.
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