Useful Tech Jargon You May Not Know

With so many new advancements in computing these days, it can be difficult to keep up with the latest terms and slogans. While not all IT terms are suitable for your purposes, there are quite a few that are worth knowing, especially if you run a business with products and services online. Below is a list of tech jargon that you may not know but that might be useful for your business.

Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting is essentially the ability to store data, files, and applications on servers that are not held in a physical location. Instead, the data is hosted by a third-party company. Examples include Slack, Microsoft 365, and Adobe Creative Cloud.

Domain Name Service (DNS)

DNS stands for domain name service, which is essentially a way of accessing a networked computer by name, rather than by its IP address. In other words, it translates readable domain names such as into a numerical IP address (e.g. 192.3.21).

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)

DRaaS—or disaster recovery as a service—uses the cloud to implement disaster recovery policies and procedures for a company or business. However, DRaaS is not just about backing up data on the cloud; it also allows you to work virtually. In other words, DRaaS allows you to do more than simply download backed up data. It enables you to work on a virtual computer, in the event of a disaster or network failure.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

VPNs are incredibly important these days: they allow users to connect to a private network to enhance security. Most public connections are visible to would-be hackers, but a VPN allows you to operate unseen. This is especially useful if you’re working remotely in a public space such as in a café or a library.

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

TCP/IP stands for transmission control protocol/internet protocol. This is essentially a set of rules or communication protocols that instruct computers on how to exchange information. TCP/IP is also automated and already built into computers. Other internet protocols include FTP, HTTP, and Gopher, which sit on top of TCP/IP.

Load Balancing

Perhaps one of the least-known terms on this list is load balancing, which refers to a process of distributing tasks or incoming network traffic across a set of back-end servers. The aim of this distribution is to make processing more efficient. Some refer to load balancers as mediators that sit in front of your servers and re-route client requests in the most efficient way. If your company needs to ease the burden on their servers due to high traffic, a load balancer is the way to go.


The cache is a computer’s way of storing information temporarily so that it can be easily accessed at a later date. If you have ever been told to clear out your cache, it’s because it gets full and can slow down your computer while you’re browsing the internet. Keeping your cache clear enables faster loading times and increases your computer’s performance.