What Do Insecure People Post On Facebook? | Brunel University Reveals

If you are the type to brag about the romantic gesture you significant other did for you, study suggests that you might be inadvertently telling something about your personality at the same time.

This is according to a research done by the Brunel University London, which reviewed Facebook post of 555 users. In a survey looking at self-esteem, narcissism, and the other ‘Big Five’ personality disorders: extroversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, openness and neurotics. Their study revealed that different personality traits almost consistently chose to share very different information.

Extrovert often post about social events and use Facebook exclusively to socialize. Conscientious people like to write about their kids while open people do not shy away from expressing their political views or social itinerary. On the other hand people with low self-esteem like posting about their romantic partners.

According to the researchers, “People are more likely to post relationship-relevant information on Facebook on days when they feel insecure.” The researchers say it a way for low self-esteem people to “claim” their relationship. But the low self-esteem people do not seek attention and validation as much as narcissists, who take it a notch higher by sharing their achievements, their diet, and even fitness routine. This narcissists’ behavior shows a deliberate display of energy into their appearance.

The research further says that narcissists post frequently and are likely to get more likes and comments than the other personality traits. However, this could be that their friends are politely offering support but secretly disliking such an egotistical display.

Greater awareness of how one’s status updates might be perceived by friends could help people to avoid topics that annoy more than they entertain.” The researchers said in a press statement.

Source >> Newser.

FacebookSocial BehaviorSocial Media