What is Considered to be ‘Healthy Food’: A Guide for Women’s Nutrition

In order to be productive, support regulated growth, maintain adequate weight and keep diseases at bay, a healthy food regime is must. Build a diet to meet vital nutritional needs of the body at every stage of your life while maintaining a sound body and mind.

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Without the right nutrition our body may be exposed to risks like deficiency, disorder and fatal diseases. So, assess your nutritional needs and strategize meals with healthy options accordingly. Here are some tips to build a balanced diet:

1. Fruits

An excellent source of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, antioxidants that are needed to maintain a healthy gut, prevent vitamin A and C deficiencies, maintain blood pressure, reduce risks of heart issues and diseases like diabetes, cancer and inflammation.

Fruits are generally low-fat and low in calories; they provide different flavors and textures. So, whether it is strawberries, citrus fruits, apples, pomegranate, tropical fruits or berries, enjoy them to boost your health. Use Edible Arrangements coupons to get a $10 discount on fruit bouquets.

2. Vegetables

Just like fruits, vegetables lower risk of fatal diseases and provide the body with essential nutrients which serve as phytochemicals. These chemical compounds function as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents and natural hormone balancers.

Carrots, broccoli, brussels sprouts, potatoes, asparagus, mushrooms, green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale are some options to be included in your daily meals. If you are a meat-eater, you can begin by at least having a veggie side dish. Claim $10 discount on first Instacart online purchase.

3. Whole grains

In contrast to refined grains, fibrous foods like whole grains are rich in fiber, give a feeling of satiety and aid in maintaining healthy body weight. They also reduce the danger of type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart diseases and certain cancers. Use Walmart grocery promo code to get $10 off.

Starting your day with natural gluten-free whole oats gives you fiber, vitamins, minerals and a boost of energy to carry out routine activities. Other whole grains like brown rice, barley, buckwheat groats (hulled seed) make the diet healthier.

4. Protein

Repair body cells and tissues to maintain the structural framework, generate metabolic reactions and coordinate several functions of the body with protein-rich foods like meat, poultry, fish and eggs. Boston Market menu featuring sandwiches, sides, rotisserie chicken etc. starts at $1.

Chicken, duck, turkey and other poultry, lean meats like lamb, beef can be eaten during lunch as wraps, salads, sandwich, tacos or prepared with rice, noodles and pasta. You can also include small portions of grilled meat with sandwich or eggs for breakfast and use trimmed bits as snacks.

5. Pulses

Research shows consuming even half a cup of pulses like beans, peas and lentils enhances diet quality, since they are rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber etc. Pulses are rich in soluble fiber and low in saturated trans fats that maintain heart health.

Consuming chickpeas (also called garbanzo beans), kidney beans, lentils (red, green, yellow and brown), garden peas, runner and broad (fava) beans etc. can lower blood cholesterol, blood pressure and prevent cancer. Shop for pulses, lentil-based soups, pasta, snacks and organic meals from Thrive Market to get free shipping on orders over $49.

6. Vitamins

Essential nutrients like vitamins restore cellular damage, heal wounds, boost the immune system and build strong bones for body development. Fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E, K from animal sources, dairy, plant oils and leafy vegetables are needed for healthy skin, vision and bone density.

Water soluble vitamins like thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, vitamin C and B12 found in vegetables and fruits, meat, cereals, legumes, dairy, whole grains are important for energy and protein metabolism, nervous system, nutrient absorption etc. Get 20% off on Farmbox Direct natural essential box including fresh fruits and vegetables.

7. Minerals

Get strong bones and teeth with major minerals like calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chloride and sulfur with trace minerals (needed in small quantities) like iron, zinc, iodine, copper etc. Get more than 25% savings on buying meat, fish, groceries and more from FreshDirect.

Minerals also balance hormonal levels, affect motor and cognitive development to function normally. They can be obtained from fruits and vegetables, avocados, beans, meat, seafood, shellfish, dairy, nuts, cocoa and fortified sources like cereals, tofu, fruit juices, soy milk and eggs.

8. Dairy

A significant source of calcium, vitamin A, B and D, minerals, protein and energy – basic dairy products like milk, yogurt, cheese build bones and keep teeth healthy. Drinking milk daily can prevent osteoporosis and bone fissures but indulging in too much dairy can raise cholesterol levels and increase risk of coronary heart disease.

Adequate portions of organic dairy products and probiotics like Greek yogurt, hard and string cheeses, chocolate milk, cottage cheese, fortified milk and yogurt help metabolism and maintain a healthy immune system. Get 15% off on Harry & David gourmet cheese boxes.

9. Nuts and seeds

In addition to regulating body weight by maintaining food intake (since fats burn energy and fats don’t get fully absorbed), nuts and seeds provide healthy fats, protein, vitamins, fiber and minerals. Shop antioxidants and superfoods from Natural Zing, refer them to your friends and family to get $10 off.

Considered as superfoods, they lower heart disease predictors, reduce blood pressure, and serve as phytochemicals that perform antioxidant and inflammatory functions. Nuts like almonds, pistachios, walnuts, cashews and pumpkin, sunflower, chia and flax seeds can be consumed daily.

10. Oils and fats

Although oils and fats are required in small quantities, they are crucial to increase bioavailability (store and supply energy), essential fats, insulate body organs, transport fat-soluble vitamins and help the body to absorb them.

Dietary fats from whole eggs, nuts and seeds, avocados, cheese, fatty fish, olive oil and saturated fats from animal products like whole milk, butter, fatty meats, lard, ice cream are needed to produce and normalize hormones. Shop for cheese, meat and charcuterie, seafood, oil and more from Formaggio Kitchen to benefit from a 10%-20% discount.

Keeping these pointers in mind, avoid skipping meals (especially breakfast), remember to snack between meals with nourishing options and balance diet with regular physical activity. Use coupons and promo codes to shop online for healthy produce and redeem savings on app/website purchases.

Posted in: Edible Arrangements

By Anisha Reddy – Freelance content writer | August 19, 2021