iOS users can now enjoy the popular messaging app WhatsApp like their Android counterparts have been doing for a long time now. The latest WhatsApp update comes with a feature that solves an annoying little inconvenience on the app iOS users have learned to live with it.
Previously, you could not hit the send button if you lost internet connection. Like when you are on a train, and suddenly you go through a tunnel, or you are on the subway, or for any reason, you lose your connection. If you are chatting on WhatsApp on an iPhone, the ‘Send’ button became inactive until you regain your connection again.
This latest WhatsApp update for iOS should be warmly received. Now you can queue up messages when offline, to be sent immediately you regain your internet connection. The queued up messages will be send out automatically once you have reestablished your connection.
This feature has been available on Android since last year, and if you have been using WhatsApp in between Android device and an iOS device. Then you have certainly noticed the different experience across the two platforms.
Going forward, pressing the ‘Send’ button, which will now be active when you lose your connection, will queue the message. When you reestablish connection again, the queued up messages will be automatically sent.
The WhatsApp update also comes with an additional much-needed feature; giving you the ability to manage the storage space for specific chats. Usually, WhatsApp shows you the space occupied by different types of messages; such as text, pictures, and videos. However, you don’t have granular control.
With this recent WhatsApp update, under the Storage Usage screen, you can now delete specific type of messages or even individual conversations. Also bundled up into the new WhatsApp update is the ability to send up to 30 photos or videos at the same time. Previously, that was only available for up to a limit of 10.
It would be important to remember that a few weeks ago; the Guardian published an article alleging that WhatsApp has a backdoor. That can enable the tapping of your ‘encrypted messages.’ WhatsApp came out to explain the supposed ‘backdoor’ is a deliberate design meant to prevent “millions of messages from being lost.” Security experts have also come out and defended the explanations given by WhatsApp, and the Guardian has since amended its original post on the same.