When Do You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Every year in the United States, 214,000 people die from injuries. The leading cause of these injuries being motor vehicle accidents, falls, and poisoning. As a result, millions of injured folks live with lifelong, physical, mental, and financial anguish.

No one ever goes looking for injuries, but still, most of us end up injured. In most cases, the cause of the injury is someone else’s fault. However, you’re the one who has to go through the pain and incur heavy medical fees for post-injury treatment.

Your decision to hire a personal injury lawyer should be well informed to avoid unnecessary expenses and embarrassment. If you’re wondering when do you need a personal injury lawyer, then keep reading as we highlight a few instances that call for a personal injury lawyer.

Why Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Personal injury lawyers are attorneys who specialize in personal injury and tort law. They represent you if you’re injured due to the negligence or carelessness of another party. The other party can be an individual, entity, company, or even a government organization.

Although personal injury cases are rife, the court doesn’t require you to have a personal injury to file an injury claim. However, to better your chances of landing a claim, it’s a good idea to hire experts like Vaziri Law Group Personal Injury Attorneys. Keep in mind that personal injury lawyers handle both physical and physiological injuries, so defamation and bad faith cases are also within their field.

Take a look here for some of the things a personal injury lawyer can do for you.

When Do You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Not all injury cases need a personal injury lawyer, but most serious ones do. You can choose to represent yourself when filing your claim, but you won’t have much success.

Remember, insurance companies have teams of lawyers to fight it out for them in court. Quite frankly, you don’t stand a chance alone.

Sometimes, hiring a personal injury for your case may not be such a wise move. Maybe your injury is minor, or it was self-inflicted. So, when do you need a personal injury lawyer? Here are a couple of scenarios where you might need a personal injury lawyer.

1. You Don’t Know Whose Fault It Was

Sometimes after a car accident, it’s unclear whose fault it actually was. The other person’s insurance company won’t hesitate to blame you for the accident. If you’re not keen, you could end up paying damages for an accident that wasn’t your fault.

If you can’t determine who was at fault after an accident, then it’s best to talk to your personal injury lawyer.  Doing so will protect you from any unfair liability and counterclaims.

2. You Were Seriously Injured to the Point of Disability

Some accidents could leave you bedridden, not just for a while, but for good. If you suffered a serious injury caused by the carelessness or negligence of another party, then you should talk to your personal injury lawyer.

That injury could be tantamount to a lifetime of pain, disability, and heavy financial burdens. No need to feel hard done for the rest of your life; you can hire a lawyer that will ensure that justice is served. Remember, consulting a personal injury lawyer is free, so you have nothing to lose.

If the injury leads to disability, then a lawyer will be the only way to alleviate the financial and emotional burden of the disability. The lawyer will help mitigate the stress that the disability poses to you and your family.

3. An Accident Involving Multiple Entities

Sometimes an accident may involve more than two people. For such accidents, it’s difficult to tell who’s at fault. Without the right representation, the blaming finger may lie squarely at you.

The proper personal injury attorney will protect you from prying insurance companies who want to hand you the bill. Remember, the other involved parties will probably have their personal injury lawyer. If one doesn’t have your back, then there’ a high likelihood you’ll be on the losing side.

When it’s you that requires the compensation, the lawyer will ensure you get what you rightly deserve. In accidents involving multiple parties, you may end up spending money instead of getting your compensation.

4. The Insurance Company Denies Your Claim

Insurance companies will do whatever is in their power to deny you your claim. As earlier mentioned, these companies have teams of lawyers whose main job is to refute your claim. Sometimes the information you give is what jeopardizes your chance of getting a fair claim.

The procedures of getting a personal injury claim are pretty complicated for the average person. That’s why you need help from a personal injury lawyer who’s well-versed in this kind of thing. If you mess up even a bit in the claim procedure, the insurance company won’t hesitate to flat out deny you your claim.

Some insurance companies deny they claims as much as possible to push you into submission. For most people, if the claim takes too long, they throw in the towel. The right lawyer will pressure the insurance company to deliver your claim as was part of the agreement.

You Pay the Personal Injury Lawyer After the Case

One great thing about hiring a personal injury lawyer is that you don’t have to pay upfront. You only pay the lawyer after the settlement. This means that the lawyer wins only if you win.

Plus, with so many personal injury lawyers across the country, finding one should be a piece of cake. Here are a couple of incredible lawyers you could look at to start your search.

A Personal Injury Is Personal

Hopefully, now when do you need a personal injury lawyer, is a question you can comfortably answer. Now that you know why these lawyers are so important, you should have one on speed dial. However, due diligence is of utmost importance. For instance, don’t just turn to Google and type in the highest rated injury law firm in Atlanta, be sure that they are certified and experienced in the type of injury lawsuit you intend to pursue.

There’s plenty more where that came from. For more informative reads, be sure to check out the other pieces on the site.