Windows 10 Will Be Gradually Rolled Out Starting July 29th

Windows 10 Will Be Gradually Rolled Out Starting July 29

Windows boss Terry Myerson yesterday wrote in a blog post that the much awaited Windows 10 will not be immediately available for download for everybody. Instead, particular groups of Windows users will be able to download the operating system at different dates.

The first group of users, as Myerson wrote, are going to be Windows users who joined the Microsoft’s Insider Program for Windows 10. Next in line are Windows users who had reserved a copy of Windows 10 by clicking an online button.

We will start notifying reserved systems in waves, slowly scaling up after July 29th. Each day of the rollout, we will listen, learn and update the experience for all Windows 10 users.” Myerson wrote.

However, there has not been any confirmation from Microsoft as to just how many Windows users will be served per given wave of the roll out. Neither has the specifics of how these roll out waves are going to be carried out nor how many wave should we expect to be. Microsoft has also not clarified how it is going to distribute Windows 10, so it would be hard to say with absolute certainty when different people queuing to get the new Windows will get it.

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