‘Women wearing ripped jeans should be raped’ – comment lands Egyptian lawyer into jail

Egyptian lawyer Nabih al-Wahsh is a prominent conservatist in Egypt who is now being haunted by the ghost in form of comments made during a live TV panel show back in October 19.

al-Wahsh and fellow panelist were talking about a draft law on prostitution, when he said:

Are you happy when you see a girl walking down the street with half of her behind showing?

I say that when a girl walks about like that, it is a patriotic duty to sexually harass her and a national duty to rape her.”

al-Wahsh further argued that women who wear provocative clothes were in fact “inviting men to harass them” and by doing so, the men would actually be protecting the morals of the society, which he believes is “more important than protecting borders.”

There has been a public outcry ever since al-Wahsh uttered those words on a national TV station and the Egyptian National Council for Women’s Rights came out to condemn his remarks. The organization termed al-Wahsh’s words as “flagrant call” for rape and is in gross violation of “everything in the Egyptian constitution.”

Following the public outcry, the prosecutor brought charges against al-Wahsh, who the court found him guilty and sentenced him to three years imprisonment. He was also fined 20,000 Egyptian pounds ($1,130).

al-Wahsh is no stranger to controversy

Back in October, 2016, al-Wahsh was involved in yet another televised controversy during a show where a cleric said that it is not a must that women wear headscarf. That statement rubbed al-Wahsh the wrong way that he got into a brawl with the cleric.

al-Wahsh also believes the Holocaust is “imaginary” and was proud in calling himself an anti-Semite.

If I see any Israeli, I will kill him,” al-Wahsh said in a separate TV panel show.

EgyptGender Violence