4 eCommerce Delivery Issues & Fixes

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Shipping delays can be one of the most frustrating experiences with online shopping. Not only do they annoy customers who want the items that they paid for to arrive on time, but it hurts businesses as well because it may discourage customers from ordering from them again.

Sometimes, shipping delays can be the fault of businesses, but often there are issues with couriers that are out of businesses’ control. Here are four e-commerce delivery issues and how to fix them.

High Demand for Mail Services

During the COVID-19 pandemic, online shopping sales spiked by over 30% because it could have been dangerous for some people to shop in person.

As a result, high demand caused the already strained United States Postal Service to become overloaded and miss many delivery deadlines.

This problem continued and worsened throughout the year 2020 and the winter due to the massive winter surge of COVID-19. As a result, many businesses lost revenue and customers at no fault of their own.

To provide more reliable shipping service for your customers during a surge in demand, consider patronizing other logistics services than the USPS, such as UPS and FedEx.

They are usually more reliable because they are privately owned and managed.

Documentation Issues

Another possible problem that can cause shipping delays is inaccurate addressing documentation.

Sometimes, shipping labels can be misprinted, or the customer can make a typo when entering their address.

Whether it is the fault of the business or not, customers can be disillusioned by service even though they made a mistake in their address.

One easy solution to add to your website is a USPS address validator to make sure customers enter a valid address when making a purchase on your e-commerce website.

This can avert many addressing documentation headaches.


In your business’s inventory warehouse, it is very important to have an efficient fulfillment process that makes sure that orders are properly placed to go to the correct destination.

Fulfillment mistakes can greatly frustrate customers who do not have their items shipped accurately and on time.

However, there are many software programs available for your business to streamline your fulfillment without adding more physical labor.

This will ensure that you get your packages out on time, increasing your customer satisfaction.

Delays in The Shipping Network Unrelated to Demand

Sometimes packages can get delayed even in a normal environment, such as before the COVID-19 pandemic’s demand surge.

Other natural factors that can cause package delays are severe weather events and road irregularities. Incidents on roads and weather systems can block trucks from delivering your packages to their next sorting stations on time.

The best solution for problems like this that are outside a business’s realm of control is to be transparent with customers about delays.

If customers are able to accurately track their shipments and know the reasons for delays, they will not have curiosity gaps about their arrivals.

There are many scenarios that can cause delays in your shipments. There are many solutions to minimize problems under your control, and for the* issues your business cannot affect, transparency is paramount.

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