4Afrika Scholarship Program by Microsoft

Over the years Microsoft has demonstrated its commitment to empowering the youths across the globe through numerous programs such as the YouthSpark among others. On the 12th August, 2013, in respect to the International Youth Day, Microsoft launched yet another program whose mission is to empower the youths. The program dubbed, 4Afrika Scholarship Program: is a program that Microsoft intends to give mentorship, university-level education, leadership, certification, technical training and job opportunities to promising young African students.

4Afrika Scholarship Program by Microsoft

Over the years Microsoft has demonstrated its commitment to empowering the youths across the globe through numerous programs such as the YouthSpark among others. On August 12, 2013, (International Youth Day) Microsoft launched yet another program whose mission is to empower the youths. The program dubbed, 4Afrika Scholarship Program: is a program that Microsoft intends to use to provide mentorship, university-level education, leadership, certification, technical training and job opportunities to promising young African students.

The mentorship program will be provided by Microsoft’s employees throughout the globe while the job opportunities will consist of internships and part-time and full-time employment in Microsoft or Microsoft’s affiliate partners which consist of more than 10,000 companies across the continent of Africa. Microsoft through its two programs, YouthSpark program and 4Afrika Initiative, has committed itself to a mission of changing the lives of millions of African youths from all the corners of the continent.

4Afrika Scholarship Program gives promising youths the opportunity to access quality education, skills and resources that will ensure that they succeed, irrespective of their financial background. Microsoft also seeks to address the gender imbalance through this program by encouraging as many young women as possible to apply for the 4Afrika Scholarship Program. Microsoft through the 4Afrika Scholarship program intends to give 1,000 youths the opportunity to pursue associate degrees in Business Administration and Computer Science with the first participating higher education institution, University of the People (UoPeople) which is an online American University that has dedicated itself in democratization of higher learning and it is affiliated with United Nations, NYU, Yale Law School ISP and the Clinton Global Initiative.

Microsoft in partnership with the participating education institutions plans to use the 4Afrika Scholarship program to make the playing field leveled for all talented young African brains who might otherwise would have been locked out due to lack of resources. This program gives them the opportunity to get the skills and education they would need to thrive in the technology industry. The reason for coming up with the 4Afrika Scholarship program was to help Africa in becoming competitive globally, and investing in the youth is one of the critical steps towards achieving that.

The basic requirements for any student wishing to apply for the 4Afrika Scholarships and attend the UoPeople are as follows:

  • Must be above 18 years old.
  • Must have a high school diploma.
  • Must be proficient in English: all the coursework are taught in English.
  • Must have access to the internet since the classes are online.

Girls are highly encouraged to apply

Microsoft has identified a gap (since some students may still lack access to internet) and has opened up working spaces in some of the Microsoft Innovation Centers found in Uganda, Tanzania, Botswana and Tunisia which successful applicants around those regions lacking internet access can go to, and use the internet facility for free. Meanwhile Microsoft is still working with other hubs across Africa to install similar working spaces. This is a good opportunity for the youths whose dream of higher education might have been cut short due to lack of funds. Young women are particularly encouraged to apply for the 4Afrika Scholarship. You can apply by following this link.

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