African Economic Transformation through Problem Solving & Innovation – Freda Yawson, founder of Innovate Ghana

In an article originally published by the Skoll World Forum, Dr. Mo Ibrahim, a Sudanese-British mobile communications entrepreneur – founder of Celtel, blamed the inability of Africans to solve their own problems on poor governance.

“Not any amount of aid is going to move Africa forward. The only way for us to move forward is to ensure good governance – the way we manage our economy, our social life, our legal structures and institutions – that is the basis for development. We cannot rely on people to come and feed our poor or treat our sick. This is the responsibility of our governments.” – Mo Ibrahim

Levers in Heels believes strongly that action and innovation in the adaptability of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in Africa driven by good governance, as suggested by Dr. Ibrahim, can serve as a springboard for economic transformation in Africa. Politicians, decision makers, business leaders, economists and academics across the continent need to fully understand and employ this idea to kick-start the creation of new technologies suitable for Africa, thereby creating jobs for its people. This is indeed the way forward to enhance Africa’s economic transformation.

Today, Levers in Heels’ interview is with a young problem solver who is passionate about such a transformation in Africa. She works at it both in theory and in practice. Meet Freda Yawson. Click here to continue reading this.

CorruptionGhanaGovernanceWomen in Leadershipwomen professionals