Google Zeitgeist released its list of top fashion brands in terms of search, and Versace took the top spot with Michael Kors and Diesel Black Gold ranking No. 2 and 3, respectively.
Bing, which debuted its year-in-review lists Monday, ranked Victoria Beckham at No. 1, with Kors and Ralph Lauren trailing at No. 2 and 3.
The only overlap was found with Kors, which held the same ranking on both lists.
Drake’s hit single “Versace” along with other popular resurgences of the brand in pop culture and film likely helped the brand get the No. 1 spot.
Upon a quick search of “Versace” on both Bing and Google, there were more results on Google for Versace, including links to the song on Youtube, while Bing immediately returned results only related to the brand’s company and retail sales sites. There are several theories as to why the two search engines would have different findings, including the auto-populating factor of Google and the nature of Bing searches and those who use it.
What’s your theory? Based on the unique qualities of what some would consider a Coke vs. Pepsi debate, why the different rankings? Let us know in the comments.