For those of you who frequently travel by air, saving money on flights is perhaps the most important thing when it comes to managing your expenses. There are some well-known tips and tricks which could help you save money on international and domestic flights during air travel; like buying a ticket on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, searching for different companies, comparisons; but these things are practically impossible to do for a busy person. There are some great apps which can help you save money during air travel. Let’s have a look at them.
AirfareWatchdog is one of the best apps for saving money on flights. You just enter the source and destination, and the app lists the detailed comparison of rates from the best airline companies around. It suggests and recommends the best airfares, and you can also sift through the lists manually.
This great free app also notifies you about ticket sales if there is a huge spike. So for example, if you have plans to buy a ticket for Amsterdam, but not it’s not urgent, you could just add Amsterdam in the watchlist of AirfareWatchdog, and the app will let you know as soon as the prices drop for this ticket.
Kayak is the most powerful app to save money on airline tickets. It is widely popular around the world. It also lists the best hotel rates, airline tickets, airport information in the app. You can check the ticket price information for any place around the world. Kayak notifies you as soon as the ticket price for a certain destination changes.
Yapta is a simple yet useful app for your money saving during travel. You can add the source, destination and current ticket price. The app will notify you as soon as the price changes.
Skyscanner is another great app to save money on flights. It scans the ticket prices a few days before and after your chosen date. This way, it tells you the variation in prices and trust me, the day of ticket buying really matters. Rates plummet in the midweek, and this app can let you know when it’s the best time to buy a ticket.
Images: TechRepublic