We all love Queen B! It would be hard not to, with all the ‘assets’ that she has got in all the right places. One of which is her amazing vocal cords that have sung so many hit songs making Beyoncé’s a household name around the world.
However, there is a little-known-about Miss Sunshine in Burundi that goes by the name Christa Vera Audre Iteriteka that might just be her doppelganger in the vocal cords department. Vera Iteriteka did a rendition of Beyoncé’s hit single ‘Halo’ from the ‘I Am… Sasha Fierce’ album released in 2008. And it blew everyone’s mind.
So much so that she trended then and continues to trend now that she popped up on the BBC’s radar. But before we get to the BBC story, below is an uncut-phone-camera-shooting of Vera Iteriteka singing ‘Halo.’ She probably didn’t think much of it when being recorded other than just a moment’s fun between ‘girlfriends.’
The next morning after her friend posted the video on social media, is when it hit her she could have hit the right notes; perhaps even hitting those notes better than the owner. Here is the uncut video of Christa Vera Iteriteka singing ‘Halo.’
That is how she ended up on the radar of big-time media houses including the BBC. Below is a podcast by the BBC interviewing the Beyoncé’s doppelganger.
The story of Vera Iteriteka only goes to demonstrate the power of social media as an alternative platform from mainstream media that giving access to everyone with access to the internet and connected devices. Social media is opening up unprecedented doors to people who would have otherwise never made it to the front doors to audition to mainstream media.