Camara Education in partnership with Dell Digital Youth Learning Program takes e-learning semi-urban region in Kenya

Camara Education is a social enterprise with a mission to provide ICT skills and products to schools in Kenya incorporating ICT courses in their curriculum. The social enterprise has been in operation for over a decade now and has so far supplied to over 800 schools across Kenya.

In its latest project, to supply ICT skills and products to schools, Camara Education has partnered with computer technology company Dell, and the Computer Aid organization to provide learners in Kajiado county in Kenya with the relevant ICT skills.

The program is being carried under the umbrella program, Dell Digital Youth Learning Program, which seeks to alleviate the challenges facing schools towards providing ICT-based learning. The program has been aligned to march the vision of Kenya Ministry of Education program, the Digital Literacy Project.

The first two schools in Kajiado County to benefit from the program, Al-Huda Muslim Primary and Ngong Township Primary – will get facilities and curriculum to sharpen the learners’ ICT skills. The project establishes the ICT learning systems inside solar-powered computer labs.

The computer lab powered by solar-power is particularly appealing to people environmentally conscious as it uses green renewable energy. It is also self-sustainable and in the long run will be affordable for the school located in an underserved region where the main grid electricity supply could be a challenge.

The technicians who installed the facility say the PC in the lab uses less than 4% of power a typical PC connected to the main grid uses. The criteria for choosing the two schools where this project roll out on included lack of access to electricity and remoteness of the learning institution.

This project is going to impact very much positively to this community, and I am sure the youth are going to realize their dreams through research, experience, and networking,” said Mayquva Wanjala, the Principal of Al-Huda Muslim Primary School. “It is the best thing to me that can happen to a visionary society.”

Daniel Oloo, the Country Manager for Kenya Camara Education, added: “We are very privileged to work with the various relevant Kenya government entities in supporting this initiative. Camara Education will continue to focus on contributing towards the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 quality education and 8 which aims to ‘promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.’ The partnership with Dell, Computer Aid, and the Kenya government has developed a new lesson.”

Camara EducationDellKenya