Cameroonian Fritz Ekwoge’s Feem App Hits 100K Downloads On Google Play
The app allows users to share files without necessarily needing an internet connection. Thus, the data transfer speed is considerably high compared to file transfer over internet-based connection.
The company behind the Feem app, FeePerfect recently released an updated version of the app. A move that saw more people download the app pushing the numbers of downloads over the 100,000 mark. Fritz Ekwoge is the CEO at FeePerfect.
The company describes itself as follows: “At FeePerfect, we believe the greatest sharing is among Wi-Fi buddies; family, friends, co-workers who are already on the same local network. No emailing, no fumbling for a special cable, no hunting for a USB stick (won’t work for mobile), or impatiently waiting for iTunes or Zune to fire up.
To download the app, or get more information and users review on the app, follow this link to Google Play store.