You can now save Instagram Live streams offline once you’re done Streaming

Ever since Instagram Live stream was launched, you the person streaming out to contacts and your viewers could only see the video once as it happened. After you stop streaming, the video disappeared; neither the streamers nor viewers could get the chance to watch the video later on.

However, starting today that will be a thing of the past as Instagram introduces the option to save your video to the phone once you are through with streaming. How to save Instagram Live stream video is a simple procedure, when you have reached the end of your streaming, you will see a save button at the upper-right corner, tap it and the video will be saved to your camera roll.

The saved video will be available offline and on your phone. Your Instagram friends will not be able to view your live stream once you are through with streaming. Unlike streaming on Facebook or Twitter’s Periscope where your friends can view your stream later, on Instagram, the urgency to see a live stream remains as the video will disappear at the end of the session.instagram live

How the ability to save Instagram Live stream could be a game changer

Instagram hopes to increase the frequency of users choosing the app to stream important occasion in their lives. People tend to shy away from using Instagram Live since after finishing the streaming; they have no record of the event having taken place.

That is discouraging because often people like going over the video and see what they had captured in the moment; and some moments only happen once in a lifetime. Therefore, they would rather not use Instagram streaming as the video will disappear, and instead, use other option such as record the moment on their camera app or use other streaming apps like Snapchat Twitter’s Periscope or Facebook Live.

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