Dial Phone Numbers and Make Calls from Mac Via DockPhone App

Dial Phone Numbers from Mac Via DockPhone App

The ability to integrate with mobile platform is the most important feature Apple has incorporated in Mac OS X. You can control your iPhone calls from your Mac with the aid of DockPhone app available from Mac app store for $0.99. You can dial phone number from Mac and initiate a call using microphone of Mac. You can also receive phone calls and exchange text messages.

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DockPhone app asks you to input the number you desire to dial. It also features a notification centre widget that shows your most recently dialed contacts. Speak freely via microphone of your Mac.

For initiating a call, you are required to type any number or name. The app allows you to search in your contacts. You may also dial arbitrary numbers. Enjoy making phone calls by hitting the dial button.

The app provides hands-free experience for the user. This app will recognize your voice commands, such as dialing a specific number or making a call to a specific contact. For using the voice commands, you need to hit the mic button placed in the search field and speak your desired commands.

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The app also offers Today widget for the OS X Notification Centre. It shows the last few calls made or your recent contacts. The widget gives quick access to your recent contacts without having search for them in your phonebook.

DockPhone is a must have app if you hate to pull out your iPhone again and again for answering phone calls and messages. This app will save you from irritation by allowing you to exchange calls and SMS with ease from your Mac. The features of contacts suggestions, voice dictation, and recent contacts widget in the Notification Centre, will make your experience of using iPhone controls on your Mac really exciting. Dial phone number from Mac and enjoy talking to your friends conveniently using Mac’s microphone and speakers.

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