How to Disable the New Window Animations in Windows 10 Technical Preview
Microsoft has embodied plenty of innovative features in the Technical Preview of Windows 10. You will love the elements of improved functionality and aesthetics as compared to the previous versions of Windows. The demands of the users have been incorporated to the maximum extent. However, some of the features may be irritating for you. Take the case of animations when opening and closing the windows. You will be searching for the methods for disabling them. Thankfully, you can disable the animations in Windows 10 easily by playing with the settings. This article will show you how to disable the new animations in Windows 10 Technical Preview.
Check Out: How To Install Windows 10 Technical Preview Step By Step Guide
Disabling the New Window Animations in Windows 10 Technical Preview
- Go to the Charms bar and launch PC Settings from Settings->Change PC Settings.
- Select “Ease of Access”.
- Choose other options.
- You need to toggle the switch next to Play animations in Windows.
The same steps will also work for disabling the animations in Windows 8.
There you go. You are ready to enjoy the experience of Windows 10 Technical Preview without any annoying elements now. You can also tweak other settings to enable/disable different kinds of effects. For this purpose, you need to explore the settings of Windows 10 Technical Preview.