Improve your English and grammar with this game app.
Grammar Nazi Helps You Improve Your English Grammar in an Exciting Way (Android App)
Learning a foreign language could be a very challenging task. The English language is the most commonly used language around the globe. It is used as a platform for gathering knowledge from researchers of various countries. Now, you have the opportunity to utilize your Android devices to improve your English grammar and enhance the boundaries of your vocabulary. Grammar Nazi is a wonderful Android app for reading text files in English and for improving your grammar. It is basically a game that makes you learn English by assigning different challenges.
The app is provided with two books in its library: The Lost World and Metamorphosis. You can choose to open the text files in the your storage or use the ones present in the library. The books included in the library, contain deliberate mistakes that are highlighted for the purpose of learning.
The user has the option to judge the correctness of words. He can also modify the content as he desires. When you want to modify a word, tap it. You will be provided with more than one answer for wrong words and you can choose your desired replacements. The words that are correct and highlighted cannot be modified. They are highlighted for testing you. When you have gone through the page, hit the bottom of the page and get your score.
You can also access the settings of the app from the “more” button at the bottom right. From settings, you can set the limit for the number of lines to be corrected in a given level. It is a sort of challenging game for you in which you have plenty of learning opportunities. You may increase the font size for more comfortable reading. Use the option of keeping the screen On while you are using this app.
The app is quite handy since it provides you learning avenues in the form of a game. However, it needs to support more file formats such as PDF, RTF, and ePUB. The app also allows the users to copy text from online sources. You must be able to choose the level of difficulty that would correspond to your level of expertise with the English grammar. Most of the mobile games don’t provide an option for choosing the level of difficulty. The interface is quite user friendly and contains minimal features with little complexity. You can increase the font size for easy reading.