How These Supreme Bots Can Help You?

How These Supreme Bots Can Help You

Sometimes you need a certain brand of sneakers, whether for your own collection or for that sweet resale profit. Supreme sneakers are one of the most hyped sneaker brands. They are grabbed the instant they drop, and not without the help of bots.

But any bot won’t do – you have to specialize in Supreme sneakers to cop them without failure. The best way to do so is with a dedicated Supreme bot. Read on to learn how they can help you and which ones are best.

What are Supreme bots?

A Sneaker bot (or a shoe bot) is a piece of software made to help cop large amounts of limited edition sneakers. All it takes is for a human to provide the bot with instructions, payment information, shipping addresses and what needs to be purchased.

Sneaker copping is significantly easier when using bots and other supplementary tools. But bots not only ease this process, but they also make it a lot faster. So much so that it is impossible for humans to compete with them successfully. Their speed is unmatched, but this is both a blessing and a curse.

On the one hand, bots enable sneaker copping in the first place, but on the other, the websites are fighting hard against automated activity. Bots collect most high-value sneakers, denying the chance for most ordinary users to do so.

Supreme is notorious for its fight against automated tools. They have strict security measures, such as checking the IP addresses, frequently changing designs of the checkout processes and a bunch of triggers for CAPTCHAs. Not all bots can manage to bypass this level of security.

So, when the stakes are high, you must have a dedicated Supreme bot. An all in one bot might do for a short while, but they are usually slower and will only grab less hyped kicks. Also, updates on these bots are less frequent, so it might not know the latest measures taken by the website.

Before using Supreme bots

Only Supreme bots alone are not enough – it is necessary to understand that the success of your copping also rests on other factors.

IP address

Supreme is banning bots left and right. If your bot is one of them, your IP address will be blacklisted and you will lose access to the website. Proxy services can give you a steady supply of IPs to avoid the problem.

Proxies are intermediaries between you and the internet that can route your connection and change your IP address. Any IPs won’t do, so look for residential sneaker proxies with suitable location coverage.

Shipping address

Supreme’s website will not deliver you a large number of sneakers to one address even if your bot will purchase them all. They limit the number of possible purchases to one shipping address. Sign up for a reshipping service before starting, so you will have multiple addresses in needed places.

Payment methods

You can only use one payment card per account. Supreme will deny your purchases and can even ban you for using the same card to purchase in multiple accounts. To bypass this challenge, look for virtual payment card providers.

Now that we covered the needed preparations before using a bot, we can move on to the bots themselves.

ANB Supreme Bot

This Supreme bot by the creators of Another Nike Bot and the original AIO bot will not disappoint. They are known developers and have a ton of experience with sneaker bots. The software works as a separate desktop application, ensuring speed of connection and excellent copping results.

As with all the products of this developer, the interface is quite intuitive, which helps navigate effectively. The software works as a separate desktop application, ensuring speed of connection and excellent copping results.

ANB bot has all essential features without a hefty price tag. It is a product with one of the best price to performance ratios in the market. Here is a quick rundown of the main features:

  • Automatic retries if the site crashes or if checkout fails
  • Notifications in-app, email and SMS
  • Supports third party proxies
  • Can monitor products on the Supreme site

Additionally, it is important to mention the outstanding customer support and help center they have. You can be sure they will help in case of any issues, and many good reviews prove it. All the work that was put into this bot makes it a bargain for only $99.


 ForceCop is a Supreme bot that includes all the needed features and is easy to use. Many reviewers and cook groups consider it the best Supreme bot in the game. The features list is quite impressive and keeps up with this claim:

  • Automatic page refresher. In case checkout fails or the website crashes
  • Product monitoring with keywords
  • Task scheduler
  • Proxy integration

ForceCop costs $159.99 and requires a seasonal renewal for $25, which makes it an expensive bot. However, this is compensated by ForceCop being an all-inclusive professional choice with constant updates, guides and full-time customer support.

Unfortunately, the bot is almost always sold out. So sneakerheads usually buy ForceCop from resale marketplaces, such as Tidal or BotBroker.

Additionally, the bot runs as a Chrome extension, so it can work on any device and operating system that runs this browser. Macs, PCs, Androids and IOs – ForceCop works everywhere with only one license.

None of our mentioned bots can solve CAPTCHAs and will only show you when they are triggered. ForceCop has a human mimicking feature to avoid such triggers, and many reviewers claim it to be very successful.

Our list is quite short compared to the variety of Supreme bots out there, click here to learn more options to choose from.


No bot developer can guarantee you success – it depends on your strategy and supplementary tools too. Still, Supreme bots will increase your chances and help you succeed in copping Supreme sneakers more than any other bots.

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