Market Data from Crowdnetic Shows a Growing Trend in Women-led and Women-owned Companies
Crowdnetic, a leading provider of technology and market data solutions, gave new development in the market data of PIPR (Private Issues Publicly Raising) activity involving company ownership and leadership by women.
These numbers represent about 18.5% and 17.6% of the larger total. Out of these percentages, the highest percentages of women-led and women-owned companies were Consumer Goods with 23.1% and 22.7%; Services with 22.6% and 22.0%; and Healthcare with 21.2% and 19.5%. The lowest sectors were Commerce & Industry with 13.7% and 12.0%; Technology with 13.1% and 12.1%; and Energy with both categories at 10.4%. Materials sector averages in with 17.6% for both categories as well, while Financial sector with 15.5% and 13.5%. These two are on the low end, considering both are below the sector-wide averages.
Out of all of these sectors, Consumer Goods, Services and Healthcare are the sectors attracting the largest percentage of women-led or women-owned PIPRs, yet Services and Technology sectors lead in terms of numbers of women-led and women-owned PIPRs. Services numbers range at 275 and 268, Technology is at 121 and 112, and Consumer Goods is the lowest at 56 and 55. According to Crowdnetic, Services and Consumer Goods earn spots on both highest percentage and highest raw number compilations for this month and for Feb. 28, 2014. The reason behind this is these numbers are reflecting “the beginning of a trend for women-led and women-owned private companies.”
The three highest sectors in the capital commitment involving women-led companies are Healthcare (49.2%), Consumer Goods (39.6%) and Financial (32.6%). The Healthcare sector is the one attracting the most interest, as it shows about half of all recorded capital commitment went to women-led companies. Technology and Services have also shown strong results (24.3% and 21.9%) going to women-led companies. In the category of women-owned companies, Consumer Goods tops the ranking in recorded capital commitment at 35.6%.
In the end, Crowdnetic concluded that the percentages between women-led and women-owned companies are relatively comparable, excluding the Healthcare and Financial sectors. These statistics definitely show a large shift in how women are expanding the gap in entrepreneurship and business success.