Nigeria’s CcHUB launching a series of Coding Classes for Kids

Nigeria’s CcHUB launching a series of Coding Classes for Kids

The Lagos-based Co-Creation Hub (CcHUB) has announced the planned launch of a series of coding classes for kids aged between five and eighteen years old.

re:learn Weekend Club

The first of these classes will take place at the re:learn Weekend Club. Meant to spark kid’s interest in the world of coding and programming using a fun and learning environment. The lessons are designed to be not only hands-on but also filled with fun for the kids.

The classes are structured in such a way that familiar concepts and objects are used to teach the kids about computers and programming. The class learning activities will include measuring the levels of light around them, observing themes in music, fashion, and art using programming.

re:learn Gap Year Club

The next class will be re:learn Gap Year Club, which will be teaching high school graduate teenagers who are waiting to join the University. They will be taught matters Creating Your Web Presence, where they will get taught on things like HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and Programming the ‘World Around You.’ This class will provide the teens basic skills in computer programming and physical computing.

The course is designed around giving the teens something productive and one that could potentially lead them into the path of advance professional programming. One would argue, they will be engaged in a far more productive activity as they wait (for months to a year) to join the University. Being kept busy will make them avoid so many potentially destructive leisure activities, as they will have too much time on their hands.

The Gap Year Club classes will run for six weeks; each week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 AM – 3 PM.

re:learn After-School Club

The third class will be the re:learn After-School Club, designed for kids who are attending primary and secondary schools. The classes will run in the afternoons when the kids will be through with their usual classes. They will be taught on how to create animations and fun games, build computer apps, design websites and improve their soft skills in problem solving, teamwork, time management, presentations, and communication. The After-School Club will also run for six weeks; on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 PM to 5 PM.

Nigerian parents based in and around Lagos wishing to have their kids enroll in these classes can register here (re:Learn Weekend Club), here (re:learn Gap Year Club, and here re:learn After-School Club.

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