Senator Hamiliton, Medgar Evers College and Digital Girl, Inc. partner for a Youth Tech Challenge

Senator Hamiliton, Medgar Evers College and Digital Girl, Inc

Non-profit, Digital Girl, Inc. will be partnering with Senator Hamilton and Medgar Evers College for a “Youth Tech Challenge, A Community Builds” event March 25th, 2018.

The event will be from 9:00am until 4:00pm at Medger Evers College. The hackathon theme, A Community Builds, challenges participants to envision what changes they would like to see in the future in their community and how it would improve their day-to-day life. Participants are encouraged to create a mobile app that can pave the way for a more prosperous community. The event is supported by community partner State Farm.

Our goal for this event is to increase awareness within the community about the importance of being able to be producers of technology and not only consumers. Technology is a major catalyst for innovation and change. To thrive in tomorrow’s society; our young students must learn to design, create, and express themselves with digital technologies,” said Michelle Gall, Executive Director and Founder of Digital Girl, Inc.

Based in Bedford Stuyvesant, Digital Girl, Inc., is a 501(c)(3), not for profit organization dedicated to empowering inner city youth, especially girls to pursue careers and studies in STEM disciplines, therefore maximizing their potential to be contributing individuals in society.

In their short inception, DGI has introduced Computer Science and Technology to over 3,200 students throughout Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Manhattan. Technology and software industries suffer from an extreme lack of diversity. Computer Science students on average are only 18% female, 3% black and 8% Hispanic. Despite a growing demand for jobs in the field, it remains marginalized throughout the US K-12 education system. Digital Girl, Inc. is committed to reversing this trend!

For more information on DGI or the event visit or contact Michelle Gall, 347.857.8647.

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