Danie Banks; Software Developer That is Making a Difference for Minorities

Danie Banks; Software Developer That is Making a Difference for Minorities

Danie Banks, born and raised in Bronx, NY, is dedicated to her career as a software developer and to spreading the word of minorities in technology.

In high school, Banks looked into being a veterinarian. However, she admitted that the medical classes she’d have to take were too intense. When she got into Cornell University, she started studying Animal Science, but it didn’t fit her personality. Finally, Banks entered the technology field and found it was perfect for her.

At the StartUp Institute, Banks connected with others who changed careers.

It was about getting what we needed,” Banks said. “Someone in the program worked with me and sent my resume off to ThoughtWorks.

Banks is an Associate Consultant for ThoughtWorks. She works with clients, making software programs for businesses, as well as develop software for ThoughtWorks itself.

When she’s not developing software, Banks is playing board games and puzzle games. She said the games she plays with fellow employees have a high level of sophistication. They play games from around the world with “intricate storylines.”

I’m just catching up with geek culture,” she said. “The nerdiest game I’ve ever played was Trivial Pursuit. I’m also just now starting to watch Doctor Who.”

Banks has also said she wants to help spread the word of blacks in technology. She says it’s important to put yourself out there and make connections with people in the same field. Banks has worked with organizations like Black Girls Code and Black Star Media. Black Star Media is an organization that helps minorities feel more comfortable in their fields.

Despite still being new in her career, Banks continues to do what she can to make people aware of minorities in technology. It is also important to her that she stay in contact with people, in order to get involved in changing the field of technology.

Minorities in TechMinority in Computer Sciencewomen in computer scienceWomen in ScienceWomen In Techwomen professionals