Teens Don’t Consider Facebook as ‘Cool’ Anymore: Study

Teens Don’t Consider Facebook as ‘Cool’ Anymore: Study

The warning alarms for Facebook are now buzzing. The craze of Facebook among teenagers, with age between 13 and 17 years, has slipped to 88% this year from 94% last year, and 95% in 2012. During the course of this year, social media forums like Twitter and messaging applications drew attention of the same group of teenagers.

The Menlo Park, a California-based company first warned Facebook a year ago that the teens were not using Facebook as often as they once used to do. However, Facebook was focusing on bigger issues at that time. The issue was forgotten as the revenues of Facebook reached record height. The percentage usage among teenagers has become a bigger concern this year.

The young generation is attracted towards messaging applications these days. The apps like SnapChat draw the attention of teenagers. The competing networks of Facebook like Pinterest are also gaining popularity steadily.  During 2014, the percentage usage on Twitter increased by 2% to 48% now.

Facebook and its messaging app still rule the social media kingdom. The problem lies in the userbase of Facebook. 55% of Facebook Messenger users are 37 years or younger. On the other hand, 86% of Snapcat users lie below 37 years age.

One big reason behind lesser usage of Facebook this year is the security concern. Only 9% of surveyed youngsters said that they consider Facebook as trustworthy and safe. Almost 30% of the people said that they would prefer Pinterest in terms of safety and security.

Facebook is still considered as the social media juggernaut. Many people use Facebook regularly and stay connected with their friends. The dissatisfaction level will creep in, but very slowly. It will take a long time for other social media forums to take over Facebook.

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