The Benefits of Online Psychotherapy in the Age of Technology

Talking About Repressed Memory Therapy

In our world of technological advancements, psychotherapy has started to move online. Telehealth appointments are becoming more popular since 2020, and the Covid-19 pandemic caused many people to start working remotely.

Psychotherapy online allows patients to video chat from home with their therapist or participate in live phone calls. They can do this from their state or from all across the country, allowing more options to people who don’t have great opportunities in their city.

Let’s look at the top 5 benefits of doing therapy online.

You Don’t Have to Leave the Bed

In-person therapy can feel like a huge commitment. You have to get dressed, wash your hair, find transportation, and wait in a waiting room. Once you’re there, you may feel pressure to speak to your therapist and make small talk.

In-person social interaction can be much more overwhelming for those struggling with anxiety and depression than online therapy. You don’t even have to leave the bed when partaking in online psychotherapy. You can leave your hair unwashed, turn off your camera, and simply focus on healing.

Being at home provides a comfortable and safe environment to heal your traumas as well. New environments and new people can be challenging for those who have experienced trauma, so being able to safely sit at home (and snuggle with your dog) while talking with your therapist is fantastic.

It’s Great for Those With Social Anxiety

Research shows that online psychotherapy is effective in treating anxiety and other mental health conditions. For those with social anxiety, sometimes being able to be at home in your own bed can help relieve symptoms of stress that come with visiting an office in person.

Social anxiety often manifests in person. For this reason, starting therapy online can help socially anxious people prepare themselves for also moving out into the world when they’re ready. It is a gentle approach to exposure.

You Will Feel More Comfortable in Your Own Home

Studies show that people feel much more comfortable in their own dwelling, as it offers cultural significance, health benefits, and family to many people. Your own home will have your own belongings, comfort items, pets, family members, and smell. It won’t feel new or intimidating.

When you visit an office in person, the smells, sounds, and colors may be overwhelming for autistic patients or those with anxiety. Being at home is a sensory comfort, and it allows anyone to get therapy in an environment that promotes healing.

Your Therapist May Be Able to Fit in More Sessions

When therapists work out of the office, they often have many more commitments. They have to set up the office, log into any programs, make sure water, tissues, and fidget items are available and wait for patients. When cancellations happen, it is harder for them to find a new patient to come down to the office.

When working from home, therapists can give more time and energy to their individual clients. When a cancellation happens, they can simply message or call another client and ask if they’re open to taking the slot. It is quick and easy, and no one has to get dressed and drive ten miles for an appointment.

For this reason, you can most likely schedule more time with your therapist throughout the week. Some online therapists allow you to chat or email with them, offering more support than traditional therapy. Depending on your insurance plan, you may be able to talk to your therapist 3 times a week or more, depending on their schedule.

This availability is excellent for those with challenging mental illnesses that need more support in finding help.

You Can Chat, Video Call, or Email With Your Therapist

As mentioned before, more therapists are offering chat and email options and the option to video call or call over the phone without video. Once your documents are verified, you can speak to a therapist from home in whatever method is most comfortable for you.

Having the option to message your therapist is great if you want to share success in your life or have a question about coping skills you talked about in your session. They can offer advice and help you understand how to move forward. Or they can offer words of encouragement for your successes.


In conclusion, online psychotherapy is a very useful tool in our world of technology that more and more people are utilizing. In time, it is possible that teletherapy may become more prevalent than in-person therapy. However, we still use in-person therapy for treatments such as energy healing, Reiki, massage therapy, and EMDR.

If you’re considering trying online therapy, you can get started today by searching online for telehealth therapists in your area.

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with

With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.

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