Windows 10 Will Not Be Free For All; Not For Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 Enterprise Accounts

Windows 10 Will Not Be Free For All; Not For Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 Enterprise Accounts

January 21, 2015 marked yet another important day for the evolution of Windows, as Microsoft revealed its latest operating system, the Windows 10. During the launch event, Microsoft announced that all current users running the Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 in their systems will be able to upgrade to the Windows 10 without being charged.

Related: Windows 10 upgrade is free for all Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 users.

However, it has now emerged according to a blog post by Microsoft, that not all current Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 users will have that privilege of upgrading freely to Windows 10. Microsoft said Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 users with Enterprise accounts will not be able to do the upgrade free of charge like Windows users using the OS for personal and small businesses.

The blog post reads: “Windows 7 Enterprise and Windows 8/8.1 Enterprise are not included in the terms of free Windows 10 Upgrade offer we announced last week, given active Software Assurance customers will continue to have rights to upgrade to Windows 10 Enterprise offerings outside this offer – while also benefitting from the full flexibility of deploy Windows 10 using their existing management infrastructure.”

Before you get demoralized and feel like, Microsoft is bursting all the bubbles and excitement you had as you wait to upgrade to the new Windows 10. Microsoft offers the explanation as to why Enterprise customers will not be able to enjoy the free upgrade to Windows 10.

The company says that it wants to customize their approach towards the enterprise customers with Windows 10. Thus, they will be able to provide tailor-made solutions to big corporations. Rather than providing one-size-fits-all solutions to all businesses without giving deserved attention to the different business needs every individual corporation needs.

Microsoft says that Windows 10 will continuously be receiving added features and security updates in order to improve the OS further as time goes. However, the company wants to give Enterprise customers the choice to choose the pace at which they will adopt these updates in order, not to disrupt their normal daily operations.

Thus, a company’s IT department will only choose to adopt a certain update feature from Microsoft for its Windows 10 only after it has been properly tested in the market. Thus, when they deploy it into their system, the feature will not have bugs that may disrupt their normal daily operations. This, however, does not apply to the Microsoft security updates; these will be installed as soon as they are released.

You can read on this at Microsoft blog post, by following this link.

entrepreneursMicrosoftWindow 8.1Windows 10Windows 10 Enterprise