You could soon accompany your Instagram Stories with Music

Over the last few couple of months, Instagram has been adding one feature after the other that it has become somewhat difficult to keep track. The latest feature yet to be added is the ability to accompany your Instagram Stories with a music of your choice.

It is yet, neither clear exactly what form the music will take nor where it will come from. Will the music be a clip from a song’s chorus or the entire song? If it will just be a clip, will you be the one to select where the clip starts and stops on the music? The answers to all these question will have to come from the time Instagram rolls out the feature.

That feature was first spotted by Ishaan Agarwal, who at the time was digging some into the Instagram code when he stumbled on ‘Music Stickers.’ Perhaps you remember that Facebook inked a deal with UMG, Warner Bros, and Sony to use their music.

It is interesting to note that UMG gave the social network access to its library of videos that can be used across Facebook, Instagram and Oculus including other social experience. Experts seem to believe that the ‘other social experiences’ part was actually music clip upload alongside your daily pictures or videos when uploading Instagram Stories.

We started off by saying that Instagram has launched several new features in the past. These features include Type for Text updates, sharing screenshots taken by third party apps, group video calls, and third, restaurant bookings, follow able hashtags, and restaurant bookings.

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