3 Email Marketing Best Practices You Can’t Ignore

Email marketing is a necessary digital tool for any business, small or large. It’s a great way to stay connected with your loyal customers or clients and build trust. But, because email marketing continues to grow and change, it’s important to always be aware of the best practices and techniques to get the most from your marketing efforts.

From using a database migration service to help you transfer your information into one platform, to honing on in your target audience and practicing segmentation, there is always something new to learn and put into practice with email marketing.

Why is knowing the best practices important? Nearly 300 billion emails are sent each day. By creating a blast that stands out, your campaigns will be more successful, and you’ll build up a loyal customer base that will propel your continued growth. With that in mind, let’s look at three of the best practices for email marketing that you should be doing with each blast.


1. Send Your Emails at the Right Time

We’ve talked before about the best time to send your email newsletters. But, don’t be afraid to experiment. The type of content you’re sending in your email campaigns may influence when they should be sent.

It’s also important to understand who your audience is. For example, if your target market is business professionals or marketing gurus, the best time to send out a blast is likely between 7 am – 9 am since most people check their email when they get to work.

If your target audience is those who work in the service industry, you might be better off sending out an email in the evening, so they can check it when they get off work.

2. Create a Consistent Schedule

Once you’ve figured out the best time(s) to send out your emails, develop a schedule. Whether you send something once a week, once a month, or at the same time every other day, consistency is important.

Having a schedule will allow your subscribers to know what to expect from you. They will be less likely to mark your emails as ‘SPAM’, and they might actually start to look forward to their email from you. People like to know what to expect and when to expect it. By remaining consistent and keeping your emails full of great information, incentives, and more, they will become something people want to receive, rather than just another piece of junk mail.

3. Give Your Audience a Reason to Click

Thanks to the ability to target your audiences through most email platforms, you can make your campaigns as specific as possible based on what people are interested in, age groups, locations, etc.

Your main objective, first and foremost, should be for your subscribers to actually open the email. So, make sure your subject lines always resonate with them. If you know they are interested in a certain topic, include that in the subject line. Cater your subjects toward men and women, or different locations. The best part about email marketing is that it can be as creative as you want, so flex that muscle and do what you can to get more clicks.

These best practices are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to email marketing. Keep them in mind, put them into play, and you’ll start to see consistent growth from your regular email blasts.

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