Possibly Britain’s Smartest Girl! 10-Year-Old, Esther Okade Got Accepted At Open University To Undertake Math Degree
Esther Okade from Walsall, England, seems like your typical 10-year-old girl fond of playing with dolls and making loom bands. But unlike most 10-year-olds, Esther Okade was three weeks ago accepted at the Open University to undertake a Math degree. Despite the fact that she does not go to school like regular kids, instead she is being home schooled by her mother Efe Omonefe Okade, 37.
Esther, who scored grade C in her maths GCSE at the tender age of six, has been studying together with her 6-year-old brother Isaiah who seems to be as equally as gifted. The brother is already taking his A-level in math.
Mrs. Okade, 37, who is also a Mathematician, converted the living room of their three-bedroomed house into a makeshift classroom. Esther’s mother says that the process of applying for the Open University enrollment was interesting to her.
Mrs. Okade said, “We even had to talk to the vice-chancellor. After they interviewed her, they realized that his has been her idea from the beginning. From the age of seven Esther has wanted to go to university.
But I was afraid it was too soon. She would say, ‘Mum, when am I starting?’, and go on and on and on. Finally, after three years she told me, ‘Mum, I think it is about time I started university now.’”
Mrs. Okade said that Esther will study her degree from home and that she was “flying” and was “so happy when she was accepted by the University and wants to be a millionaire.”
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