Instagram has launched a new app called “Boomerang” which lets you create and share 1 second looping videos on your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter account.
The idea and interface of Boomerang app is perfectly simple. Just open the app and it will show you two buttons. The first is the camera button, and pressing it will open the camera where you will take the photos. With one tap, the shutter will take 5 quick photos. Boomerang stiches these photos into 1 second short, looping video.
Short looping videos are fun. You can capture your friend doing funny, weird thing in Boomerang and make 1 second looping video out of it. The looping video repeats itself again and again, giving an amazing and interesting experience.
Have a look at this great video to see what’s Boomerang about and how to make videos in it.
A new and exciting feature was much needed on Instagram. Albeit one of the most famous social media apps, Instagram has a lot of competitors which are quickly making it to the race on square terms with Facebook’s subsidiary. Snapchat is a case in point, which recently introduced a lot of new features like geostatic location, new lenses.
The best thing about Boomerang is that you can capture any moment in real life, make a short looping video and post it to Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets. It’s a farewell to GIFs, which are getting too much common.
In order to make a video using Instagram Boomerang, you must capture the scene in photos which is moving, otherwise the looping video will appear static.
I love Instagram’s Boomerang interface. Only two buttons, no clutter, no text. The first button, as I told above, does the core job. The second button is to share the Boomerang videos. There are two primary sharing options: Facebook and Instagram. But you can also share a Boomerang video to Twitter directly from the camera roll, even though some users reported that Boomerang videos don’t loop on Twitter.
Download Boomerang for iPhone and Android.
Let us know in the comments about your experience with Boomerang.
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