A lot of Snapchat users are saying that they have been locked out of Snapchat. Some users Snapchat are locked temporarily while others have been locked permanently. The primary reason of this lockdown is the usage of Cydia, third party apps like 6Snap, Phantom, Snapchat++, trying to get a root access, trying to modify the versions of Snapchat and side loading other features to add more filters in Snapchat. This article explains how to fix Snapchat locked problem.
For Jailbreak Users
If you are using a jailbroken device, you can fix Snapchat account locked by following the steps below.
First, close and kill the Snapchat app. It must not be running in the background as well. You can kill the Snapchat process by tapping the home button two times and then closing the app.
Now you need to install a tweak which is made by jailbreak community to fix Snapchat locked problem in iPhone. This tweak is called No Snap Lock. You can download it from this link: https://mega.nz/#!Lxt12J4K!clLIoBZanIUubKERJeV8_F7CxpWLe2YDPvno9XaQoRs. Make sure to open the link in the Safari browser in your iOS device.
Install this downloaded file using the iFile app. You can download this app from Cydia.
After installing the tweak, you can try to login your Snapchat account. If everything worked correctly, the Snapchat lock problem must have been fixed. But as we solved this issue with a third party app, there are chances that you will be locked out of the Snapchat again.
For Non-jailbreak Android users
If you are not a jailbreak or Cydia user, and just tried to use third party Snapchat apps like Phantom and Snapchat++, you can fix Snapchat locked issue by just uninstalling app these tweaks and third party apps, deleting Snapchat app from your mobile and then installing Snapchat again. You should sign in your Snapchat after at least 24 hours to 28 hours gap. This step is enough to unlock Snapchat.
Another Method
First, delete Snapchat app from your device and then install it again from the app store. Make sure you install the official app, not the third party ones. Remove all the third party tweaks like Snapchat++ and Phantom from Cydia.
Snapchat has made a special page regarding this problem. Go to this Snapchat unlock page to follow the process of removing locks from your account.
Login your account.
Install AppSync from Karen’s Pineapple Repository from this link cydia.angelxwind.net
Download and install a file management tool such as iFunbox onto your computer.
You now need to install an older version of Snapchat to remove all the locks associated with your account and device. Find an older version of Snapchat from the internet of iTunes and then install in on your iOS device using iFunbox. You can do this by using the green install button.
Do not open the older version of Snapchat after installing it. First, install Phantom or any other jailbreak tweak of Snapchat from Cydia.
Now launch Snapchat and unlock problem will be solved.
Use Snapchat Page
Simply going to Snapchat lockpage and proving that you are not a bot and answering a few questions can also easily unlock Snapchat account.